Wednesday 11 June 2014

Self esteem and confidence!

So this is my second more serious, chatty post that I have done and I love writing them so please comment and like if you want to see more!

Disclaimer: I am definitely not an expert in this topic, I have not had issues with this type of stuff so I'm not saying that everyone should follow my advice. I just have a lot to say about this and I wanted to share it with you. If you don't agree with my opinions then okay. Everyone has different opinions.

Today I'm going to be writing about self-esteem and confidence. Now, this has never really been an issue for me (in fact sometimes I think I love myself too much!) but I know it is an issue for a lot of other people. I also have a lot of thoughts on this subject so I wanted to do a post about it.

I think being confident in yourself is really important in life and if you want to do something then its important that you believe in yourself. Don't worry about what other people will say because we are all amazing and people who put other people down are often just jealous or idiots with nothing better to do! Somebody loves you so ignore the haters and have self-confidence. A lot of people struggle with body-confidence as well and this just needs to stop. Everyone is beautiful and people just put themselves down because society has told them to. Everyone is different and just because you have slightly bigger thighs than another girl or smaller boobs doesn't make you ugly. It makes you yourself.

I think its really bad when people don't do things because they are scared of being judged. Like if you want to wear something that's slightly out of your comfort zone then go for it! If you feel happy then don't think about what other people are going to think. And don't judge others. Stand up to people and don't let them get to you.

I think I'm quite lucky because I've always been quite confident and I'm not scared to make a fool of myself. At the end of the day, it doesn't matter! Just live life to the full and don't let being shy hold you back, laugh it off and keep going. If something really embarrassing happens to you, don't fret about it, just laugh and others will take it a lot less seriously. Don't be afraid to have a good time with your friends, who cares what everyone else thinks? As long as you are happy and enjoying life then that's all that matters. But obviously don't forget to think about others before doing things, make sure that whatever you do, its not just you that gets benefit when its making others unhappy.

A lot of girls think that a guy will like you more if you're dumb, that's not the case. Jerks will like you more if you're dumb, but good guys will like you for who you really are. If they tell you to change in any way, then they don't deserve you. Never change yourself purely for someone else, when you are happy with how you are.

Now, I'm not saying that I've never done anything bad in life, I've done plenty of things that I'm not proud of but if someone puts you down, don't sink to their level. Shake it off and move on!

So I think I'm going to stop there before I go off on a complete tangent! I hope you enjoyed this post! Please comment below what you would like to see next and follow my blog!

Ella xx

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