Saturday 7 June 2014

Don't Worry Be Happy!

Today I decided to do a more chatty post and I have seen lots of people doing this kind of post lately and I just wanted to do it as well! I also think that things like this are good to do nearer the summer time because people want to be more body confident and all that! I'm going to do a whole post on confidence and self-esteem on Saturday as well so look out for that!

So I think happiness is probably the most important thing in life, I really don't think you should do anything that doesn't make you happy and isn't giving you any benefit. I think we should all make the most of life and make our dreams come true! But you wont get anywhere if you just sit around waiting for it to happen. You need to go for it and show the world what you're made of. Don't waste time on things you don't want to do when you could be doing better things. Don't waste your time worrying either, let it go, let it go! (#frozen!) Try not to stress about things that have happened, just look forward to the future, the past is in the past!!! (#frozen again!)

I also think that having supportive friends is incredibly important in life. I feel very lucky to have the friends that I have and they are absolutely AMAZAYN but unfortunately some people aren't as lucky and even if you don't have a lot of friends you should be grateful for what you have.Count your blessings and don't take people for granted! 

Another think I think is that we should do what we love. If you have a dream then you should pursue it, people will always make things difficult in life and you just need to learn to ignores the haters! Don't let them stop you from doing what makes you happy. Surround yourself with the most important things and people in life and they will thank you for it. But don't pressure yourself to be happy all the time, its okay to not be okay sometimes. Sometimes you will just need to let it all out and cry. But just know that it will be get better and you never know what the future will hold. Tomorrow will be brighter.

Anyway, I think I'm going to stop rambling now! I hope you enjoyed this post and maybe it helped you?
If it did then please click the like button and follow my blog. Comment your suggestions on what I should do next too! And remember...

Ella xx

Side note: My blog schedule is changing! Instead of Tuesdays and Saturdays, its going to be Wednesdays and Saturdays xx 

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