Saturday, 27 September 2014

Favourite Fall Things | Little Miss E

Hello loves!

Today I'm going to do ANOTHER tag post (I promise I'll lay off them!) and I got this one from beautybaby44 (Lindsey) on youtube. I thought it would be fun to turn it into a blog post! I have had to adapt it a bit so it works as a blog post but its pretty much the same.


1. Face product

My favourite face product for fall/autumn is the Maybeline Stay Matte powder, I have been up and down about this powder but I recently started using it again and I really do love it. It doesn't have the best coverage though, which is why its good for fall because I'm not going to be sweating all my makeup off!

2. Cheek product

It has to be my Sleek blush in the shade Pomegranate, it is just the perfect blush for fall. Its dark but not too dark and it has just the right amount of shimmer to it. It also looks really pretty and natural

3. Eye product

My MUA Undress Me Too palette because its just SO PRETTY

4. Lip product

Either Rimmel Apocalips in Celestial or New Cid lip crayon in Plum Cordial

5. Hair product

V05 Ultimate Hold weather resistant hairspray because it holds your hair even through the terrible fall weather

6. Fragrance

The Body Shop White Musk Libertine perfume

7. Nail polish

Revlon Cherries In The Snow


1. Comfy clothing item

It has to be black leggings from H&M, they are just so comfy

2. Shoes

I love wearing my boots from fat face, they're like UGGs and they're super comfy for lazy days

3. Accessory

Hmm.. I really don't know about this one!


1. Halloween or thanksgiving?

Well we don't celebrate Thanksgiving in the UK so it has to be Halloween

2. Favourite festive food and drink?

My favourite festive drink is either hot chocolate or chai lattes and I honestly do not have a favourite festive food

3. Whats the happiest thing about fall for you?

I think it would have to be the excitement for Christmas and the fashion

Thank you so much for reading! This post was kind of a tag so I tag all of you!

Ella xx


  1. Amazing post! I enjoyed reading your answers... oh yes, black leggings! Number one comfort clothing;)
    The Journeys' of my beating heart

    1. Thank you so much! And yes they totally are! xx

  2. i love the body shop white musk perfume! It's so unique but i love it x


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