Saturday, 25 April 2015

Current Obsessions | Little Miss E

Welcome to the joy that is this blog post

Today I'm going to be sharing some of my current loves with you, I'm going to be talking about everything from beauty to food to people so lets get into it...

Lush Grass Shower Gel 

I got a bottle of this for christmas and recently bought another large bottle of it, it smells so lovely and fresh, kind of like plants... The smell also lasts for ages on your skin so I love it

Lush King Of Skin

This beautiful little crown has been my savior lately. Its basically a moisturiser in a bar form, it leaves your skin feeling so nice and soft. It also smells of vanilla and cocoa butter which is a bonus. I would recommend it for dry skin but it doesn't agree with everyone.


Instagram has been my go-to app for a while and I'm so addicted to it. My themed account is linked with my other social medias (bit of cheeky self-promo there) and I've just been posting so much and I practically live on instagram to be honest.

We Heart It

Recently I have also been loving We Heart It, I get my pictures for my themed instagram and sometimes for my tumblr (which is also linked above) from the app and its so good for finding pictures for anything really. Everyone should get this its free so why not?

Maybeline Lash Sensational Mascara

I have no words for this mascara, just very much love. All I can say is go and buy it because you will not regret it. Its supposed to be a dupe for the Benefit Roller Lash so if you can't bring yourself to pay out for that one, this one is an amazing drugstore option.

The Floral Youtube Community

I love pretty much every youtuber in the floral community and all they're channels are so amazing and professional considering they're all still teenagers. They have inspired me to want to start a youtube channel and I love watching all their videos. My favourites are Floral Princess (Anastasia), Lilly Mae, QuishaRose (Quisha), Danielle CartyFloral Ella  (Ella)  and Floral Chloe (Chloe).

Inside No. 9

This is a British TV show on BBC 2 on Thursdays and its so good. Its hard to explain because there is no storyline that connects the episodes, they all just occur inside number 9.

So thats it really, I'll probably do an April faves aswell so look out for that and I'll see you very soon!

Ella xx

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