Wednesday, 4 March 2015

February Favourites | Pastel Ella

Hello loves!

So its favourites time again and this month I don't have too much to talk about...


Rimmel Match Perfection Foundation - Ivory

I would highly recommend this foundation for teenagers because it looks really nice and dewy on the skin and doesn't cake up. Its not really high coverage but that's what I like about it.

Maybeline Lash Sensational Mascara

I bought this randomly at the start of February when it was new and I've heard so many people rave about it since. It's such an amazing wand and formula and packaging and all-round mascara. The brush is similar to the falsies but a bit bigger.

Revlon Lip Butter - Pink Lemonade

I got this for christmas and didn't wear it too much but I've recently got into wearing it to school and I love it. There are hints of peach but its mainly just a nudey colour and its so pretty.

Batiste Dry Shampoo - Brunette

This dry shampoo used to be so annoying to me but I actually love it now. It doesn't leave white powder in your hair (because its brown) and it gives you so much volume. I use it most days when I don't wash my hair.


Lush Catastrophy Cosmetic Face Mask

I picked up a tester of this last time I was in Lush because they didn't have the full size and I've fallen in love. It's a blueberry mask that helps to keep blemishes away and give your skin a healthy glow. It really worked for me and I would recommend it.

Elizabeth Arden 8 Hour Cream

This has been something I wanted to try for a long time and I finally picked it up from amazon in January. I use it mainly for my lips because my lips get really dry. Its also great for dry patches on the face as well though.


Topshop Joni Jeans

At the start of this month I bought a pair of black Joni jeans and I have worn them nearly every day since. I wanted them for so long and I'm so happy I finally have them. They're super high-waisted but they're still really comfy. I got them in a 28 waist and 32 leg if you were wondering...

Topshop Coat

Everyone and their mother seems to have one of these coats and I don't care if I look like a sheep (in two ways) but I love mine so much. I wear it every day to school and its not great in the rain but its so lovely and warm.


Drink Me Chai Latte

Chai Tea


Hozier - Take Me To Church
Rihanna, Kanye West and Paul McCartney - FourFiveSeconds
Taylor Swift - 1989 (album)
Sia - Elastic Heart
Trouble - Iggy Azalea ft. Jennifer Hudson
On My Own - Les Miserables soundtrack

Ella xx

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