Friday, 13 March 2015

Be Happy, Be Bright, Be You! | Little Miss E

Hello loves!

I'm going to do a post about inspiration and following your heart today. I think this is a big subject for some people and it is for me as well. Self-confidence issues are everywhere nowadays and so many people miss out on things because of their fears.

Last night at my school they had an event call Gig Night and I really wanted to perform at it. About a week before I was not on the list of acts even though I thought I would be and I was incredibly close to just quitting and not bothering, but I didn't. I went and sorted it, I got a song and a guitarist and practiced and practiced in the two days before the gig. And I did it. I got up on stage and sung my song in front of the crowd and had the time of my life. I was nervous but I overcame my fear and I'm really proud of myself. I think that experience taught me to work for what I want and put the effort in, even if most of me doesn't want to.

Sometimes you have to go with your heart instead of your head, don't over think. Go for it, it will be worth it. Even if it doesn't work out, its not the end of the world. At least you would have tried. Also never let anyone tell you that you can't do something. If you want it, you can do it. People only put others down because they're jealous, because they could never even think about doing what you're doing.

Anyway that's my thoughts! I hope this inspired you...maybe? Slightly?

Ella xx

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