Wednesday, 17 December 2014

Winter do's and don'ts | Little Miss E

Hello loves!

I have been suffering with the winteryness lately and I thought I would try and give you some advice before you make the same mistakes!

1. DO wear a coat/jacket always

I know sometimes you might not always want to wear a big coat but seriously you should. Coats are in this year anyway so be sensible and keep warm! 

2. DONT leave the house with wet hair

So sometimes you wash your hair in a hurry and don't have time to blow dry it, well in winter give yourself enough time for your hair to dry! Its uncomfortable and gives you a cold so dry your hair!

3. DO eat lots of vitamin c 

This will help to prevent you getting colds and it's also really easy. Things like pineapple and oranges are great and really yummy

4. DONT take cold showers

These will make you feel awful in the winter so instead run a nice hot bath and just relax

So those are a few do's and don'ts for winter time! 

Ella xx

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