Wednesday, 17 December 2014

Some really lush products | Little Miss E

Hello loves!

First things first props to me for a "clever" title. Today I'm going to tell you about a few Lush products that I have been loving lately. 

Butter Bear bath bomb

I used this yesterday and it's so lovely. It's one of the smaller ones and also one of the cheaper ones but it still will do you well for one bath. It smells amazing too, like vanilla and cocoa butter. There are little lumps of cocoa butter inside it as well which is really good for your skin. And as you can tell by the name, it's in the shape of a cute little bear.

Hollygolightly bubble bar

I haven't actually used this yet, but it looks and smells amazing for this time of year. I think it smells like coca cola and like christmassy spices. It's covered in silver glitter and it has holly leaves and berries on top. I think this will last me about 7 or 8 baths so that's really good. 

Big sea salt shampoo 

My mum actually bought this about a week ago and I might have been stealing it occasionally... But it is amazing and I use it about once a week, it just gives my hair volume and a kind of beachy look.

Imogen Rose solid perfume - tin

This concept is just so cool, its a little tin that looks like a lip balm but its actually solid perfume. You just get a dab in your finger and apply it to your neck and wrists and its smells so good! It also lasts a lot longer because it sinks into your skin. (that sounds really gross...)

Ella xx

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