Friday, 3 October 2014

Friday Favourites! #2 | Little Miss E

Hello loves!

Now as you probably guessed, I forgot to do my friday favourites last week and I thought it would be silly to post it on saturday so I decided to just wait until this week. I'm still not sure if I'm going to be able to commit to this series...

MUA Undress Me Too pallette

Love this!!! It's amazing and so pretty and it's also really affordable.


I have been addicted to Instagram this week, it's probably my favourite app, in always on it!

Kim Kardashian Hollywood 

I got this game yesterday and it's taking over my life! I'm addicted to it and I really love it

Steal My Girl by One Direction 

I heard this song for the first time this week and I'm obsessed with it! I also LOVE One Direction!

That's all my favourites from this week! I will be posting my September favourites soon and maybe a haul too so look out for them!

Ella xx


  1. Haha I'm addicted to instagram too!:)
    Oh I haven't gotten the chance to listen to one direction's new album.. I've gotta do that now;)
    Great post <3
    The Journeys' of my beating heart


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