Hello loves!
I found this on Tumblr and I just thought it would be an interesting, different post to do. Its basic a load of questions about your body and I thought it might be interesting for you guys!
- Hair:What hair color looks best on you and what's your natural color?
- I think my natural colour looks best on me and that is a light, caramel brown.
- Skin:Do you tan easily?
- Sometimes, but I also burn really easily so I have to COVER myself in suncream in order to tan
- Eyes:What is your favorite show to watch?
- Oh my...there's so many! I can't choose but at the moment I'm loving Orange Is The New Black!
- Nose:What is your favorite perfume/candle fragrance?
- My favourite candle scent is Pink Sands by Yankee Candle and my favourite perfume scent is Lola by Marc Jacobs, I love it!
- Mouth:Do you want to kiss anyone right now?
- Not really...
- Tongue:What was in your last meal?
- Well I had a toasted ham and salad cream sandwich, its sounds weird but it's amazing!
- Windpipe:Do you sing?
- Yaass! I LOVE singing!
- Neck:Do you wear necklaces
- I used to but I never really do anymore
- Ears:How many piercings do you have (if any)?
- I just have my ears pierced once but I want to get the second one done
- Cheeks:Do you blush easily?
- Yes I do, I'll even go red if the teacher asks me a question in class
- Wrists:Have you ever broken a bone?
- Nope
- Hands:Are you an artist/writer?
- No, I'm alright at art but I wouldn't call myself an artist
- Fingers:Do you play an instrument?
- Nope
- Heart:Are you in love
? If so, does the one you love know?
- No I am sadly not
- Lungs:Do you smoke cigarettes?
- No way!
- Chest:Are your maternal/parental instincts strong?
- I don't know what this question really means but I don't have kids so...
- Stomach:Do you feel confident in your body image?
- I do, but I would love to be a bit slimmer and maybe a bit more flat-chested to be able to wear all the clothes that I want to wear
- Back:Are you a virgin?
- Yes...I'm only 12 aha!
- Hips:Do you like to dance?
- Yes I do, I used to do ballet and I also love choreography
- Thighs:Has anyone ever called you fat or ugly?
- Yes, I've been called ugly lots of times
- Knees:Have you ever cheated on someone?
- Nope
- Ankles:Have you ever been arrested?
- Nope
- Feet:Favorite pair of shoes?
- Probably my white high top converse
That's that then! I hope you enjoyed this post and I'll be back soon.
Ella xx
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