Friday, 25 April 2014

Mini haul - Bonus post!

So today I bought a few things that I wanted to share with you and I decided to make a bonus mini post for them! I went to, Superdrug, Boots and a local craft shop.

So first I bought a pale pink hair ribbon from a local crafty shop and I plan on wearing it for the Mean Girls 10th anniversary and "On Wednesdays we wear pink". Then I bought 3 face masks from Superdrug, I bought the cucumber cooling clay mask and two of the yogurt smoothie masks and they were on a 3 for 2 offer. I also picked up a Superdrug beauty card. In Boots I bought the Batiste floral and fruity blush dry shampoo, in the travel size. That's everything, sorry I actually couldn't find any of the stuff online but I'm sure they're in shops.

Ella xx

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